Welcome to Royal Vegas Online Casino! Royal Vegas offers greater than seven hundred trusted online casino video games in a large variety of themes suitable for every choice. You even have various online slot video games with famously enjoyable titles to select from, together with Jurassic Park™, Sport of Thrones™ (243 Ways and 15 Traces), Playboy™, and plenty of, many extras. The format of those free video games is just like that of actual money games, except players win points as substitutes for money. Royal Vegas Online Casino has earned the belief of our valued gamers by being part of the famed and award-profitable Fortune Lounge Group of Online Casinos. They are answerable for providing our gamers with a world of casino entertainment featuring a complete catalog of online casino games and ongoing exciting casino promotions.
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Our providers in European Single Market member states (except for states wherein our companies are provided under a neighborhood license) are operated by Virtual Digital Providers Restricted, an organization integrated in Malta that is part of the European Union. Our providers within the UK are operated by 888 UK Limited, a company integrated in Gibraltar. Virtual International Digital Companies Limited and VDSL (International) Restricted are licensed and regulated to supply online gaming providers beneath the laws of Gibraltar (Remote Gaming License Numbers 112 and 113) and make no illustration as to legality of such services in other jurisdictions. Within the event that you’ve registered from Canada, our services are provided by VDSL (International) Restricted. You have the power to enjoy gambling opportunities through online casinos.